Sunday, September 28, 2014

No Man is an Island!


We all experience that helpless feeling. Where do we go for the needed pick-me-up.  Most of us go to the person next door or down the hall. That’s great, we all need that someone we can go to for the emotional support. The one that gives us a hug and tells us that everything is going to be ok. But there are times where that is just not enough. Now what?

island.jpegMost of us feel that we are in this alone; if we are lucky we have a mentor or even a group of colleagues that we can go to for help. We are all burdened with so much to do and so little time. We need to be efficient with our time and that is where expanding your personal learning network (PLN) comes in handy.  For most of us our PLN consists of the colleagues in our own building. a few of us have reached out to others who teach the same grade or subject across our district.  If you are one of these people you are missing out.  There is a Great Big World Out There!

We are in a new age of connection. We can talk and collaborate with almost anyone in the world. to be more effective are PLNs need to expand. Twitter, Google+ communities, wikis, Facebook, Linkedin, blogs, Triberr & Pinterest just to name a few. The connections that are available are unlimited. There is no reason that we cannot get help from people across the globe.

The first step is up to you. Reach out and you will find that there are so many people out there that are willing to help. The best thing about PLNs is you find like minded people that become your support group, your go to for help and answers. It just really means that your circle is now a lot larger and there is probably someone out there that has an answer to your question.

It may seem like it is a great big (scary) world out there but the internet and PLNs make it a whole lot smaller. Your PLN is alway there, always on. Just remember what the Beatles said, “Yes I get by with a little help from my friends”. Now go on and get out there.

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